The Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI) of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family organized on Friday 10 November 2023 at the Amalia Hotel a Scientific Conference on: "Confronting violence and harassment in the world of work".

The Conference was held in the framework of the Act "Interventions for the elimination of violence and harassment in institutions and enterprises of the private and public sector", implemented by the KETHI with funding from the OP "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning" (2014-2020).

During the Conference spoke: Ms Athanasia Xepapadakou, Vice President of the Board of the Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI), Ms Maria-Alexandra Kefala, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family and Ms Zefi Dimadama, Secretary General for Equality and Human Rights.

Attached the Press Release


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