
On Tuesday 02.07.2024 the Deputy Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Mrs. Katerina Papakosta visited the Research Centre for Gender Equality. The announcement is attached.
The Research Centre for Gender Equality in collaboration with the 7th Regional Health Authority of Crete held on Thursday 18/04/2024 and Friday 19/04/2024 an Action for Awareness - Awareness of employees in hospitals and Primary Health Care units of the 7th Regional Health
On Thursday 11/04/2024, KETHI participated in an Information Day on: "Women and the Labour Market", organized by the Office of Liaison Studies & Careers and the Gender Equality Committee (GEC) of Harokopio University and hosted at the Ceremonial Hall. The Information Day was
The regional Governor of Attica, Mr. Nikos Hardalias, visit KETHI on Friday 05/04/2024, in order to undertake joint actions between the Region of Attica and KETHI to inform, raise awareness and combat the phenomenon of gender / domestic violence. The Press Release is attached.
March 8 was established as International Women's Rights Day in an effort to highlight gender inequalities and to ensure the rights of girls and women in all aspects of private and public life. 47 years after the proclamation of 8 March, at national, European and international
The Governor of the Public Employment Service (DYPA), Mr Spyros Protopsaltis and the Vice President of the Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI), Mrs Athanasia Xepapadakou signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, sealing the partnership between the two institutions to strengthen
KETHI announces a Student Competition entitled: "A SCHOOL WITHOUT VIOLENCE" It is addressed to secondary school students who took part in the educational programme "Awareness raising and sensitization of teachers and students on issues of gender violence, discrimination and
On Tuesday 30 January 2024, the New Year's Eve cake cutting ceremony took place at the main building of the Research Centre for Gender Equality. The event was attended by the Vice President to the Board of the Research Centre for Gender Equality, Mrs. Xepapadakou, the members of
Notice is hereby given that the deadline for the submission of financial offers is extended until 26-01-2024 at 12.00 for the following invitations to tender: 1) Call for expressions of interest for the award of regular cleaning services in the building where the headquarters of
Expressions of interest for the award of regular cleaning services at the Athens and the Piraeus Counseling Centre. Interested parties are invited to submit in a closed envelope, either in person or by post, to the offices of KETHI at Pindarou 2 (entrance from Kanari 1 &
Invitation to submit a financial offer for the award of technical support services for the information systems of KETHI. Interested parties are invited to submit their financial offer for the above services either in person or by post, at the offices of Research Centre for Gender
Expressions of interest for the award of regular cleaning services in the building where the headquarters of KETHI is located in Athens at Pindarou 2 (entrance from Kanari 1 & Akademias). Interested parties are invited to submit their applications in a sealed envelope, either in
The Research Centre for Gender Equality announces the launch of the Asynchronous Training Programme: "Violence and Harassment in the World of Work" which was developed in the framework of the Act "Interventions for the elimination of violence and harassment in institutions and
The KETHI’s Board would like to thank the Gender Equality Committee of Harokopio University for the invitation to participate in the event on: "Forms of gender-based violence at the University: recognition, reporting and management", which took place on Thursday 30 November 2023
On Saturday 25 November 2023, in the context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family in cooperation with the Research Centre for Gender Equality organized an event at Syntagma Square, aimed at informing
On Friday 24 November 2023, in the context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Region of Attica, in cooperation with the Research Centre for Gender Equality, held an open- information event in the interior of the Syntagma Metro Station and
During the school year 2022-2023, in the context of the skills workshop lesson, the B2 class of the Akrata High School created in comic book format, with the help of the pixton software, the story of 15-year-old Roxanne, as it is written in the book of KETHI-UNICEF "The World
Date of event: Friday, 24 November, 2023 - 11:00 Completion date: Friday, 24 November, 2023 - 15:00 The "ATTIKI" Special Programme Management Unit, in cooperation with the Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI), is organizing an open information event in the context of the